Mike Thomas is a self-taught artist and art educator who has been creating art for over a decade in London and the South East of the UK. One of the things that makes Mike’s work so special is his ability to capture the beauty and complexity of nature. It’s so evident viewing any of his artworks that he has a deep appreciation for the natural world, and this appreciation shines through. Whether it’s a serene garden or a coffeehouse, there is so much life within his artwork that it’s hard to do anything but just take it all in. His paintings are filled with vibrant colors, intricate details, and breathtaking landscapes that transport the viewer right into the painting itself and if there was any place we’d like to go, inside Mike Thomas’ artwork would be top of the list!

Mike has an innate ability to create a sense of wonder and awe in the viewer, his paintings often feature breathtaking scenes, and he’s easily able to create an energy that brings the scenes to life with the stroke of a paintbrush. He also has a seemingly natural talent for creating palettes that provide a sense of harmony and balance, regardless of if it’s bright, bold colors or soft, muted tones, his paintings are always visually stunning. Some of our absolute favorites are his storefront artworks, especially the bookstores! Maybe it’s because we can sometimes be bookworms, but Mike’s ability to capture the feeling of comfort, warmth, and just the overall coziness of a bookstore in a small painting really pulls at our hearts.

Check out some of our other faves below, and be sure to follow Mike on Instagram here, check out his website here, and also check out his workshops and tutorials here!