matches skeleton bird doodle

Saeed Attari is a 36 year old investment banker from Bahrain and married with two children. Seems like a serious guy, but we know that doodle addicts come from all walks of life. In fact, Attari’s doodle muse is an imaginary pet named iBird! His doodles of iBird’s shenanigans are always interactive, incorporating mundane objects and contextualizing them into something exciting. These doodles look as simple as can be, but the ideas behind them pack a good punchline. Whether it’s food, phones, or his children’s toys, it seems like Attari can’t look at anything around his house without imagining what kind of trouble iBird would get into with it. It takes a good sense of humor to look at ordinary stuff lying around you on a daily basis and find a fresh way to have fun with it! Follow @ibird_art on instagram to keep an eye on iBird’s mischief.

helicopter bird doodle

popsicle bird doodle

flower bird doodle

fork bird doodle