Our first time crossing paths with Bela Unclecat was when she sent us back one of our Doodle Addict postcards from Japan with one of the most charming and lively doodles we have received. Just look at it! How many animals can you count in the left corner alone? There is a chicken thing standing on a cat that is holding a stack of tea cups that the chicken thing is drinking out of and there is a stream of tea coming into the teacup from a teapot, suddenly we’ve travelled all the way to the opposite side of the picture, what a magical journey that was and we’re nowhere near done seeing all the sights there are to see.

There’s plenty more where that came from on Bela Unclecat’s tumblr. I just can’t get enough of her nostalgically playful universe.

If you’re addicted to tumbling as well as doodling, follow Doodlers Anonymous on Tumblr for even more daily inspiration. You might even see yourself on there!