Today’s Tumblr of the Week hasn’t updated in a while, but it has enough cool content on it to share anyway. It’s the adventure journal of Kailey, who tried to combat her shoddy memory span by drawing the events of her life every day. I love that it’s really just a diary detailing what she did on a daily basis sprinkled with illustrative doodles. Some days there’s only a few lines about how she feels and one thing she did. Others go into longer detail about all her activities and what specific drinks or food she had, to the point where the text has to squish itself around the drawings.
It’s endearing to read all the little details that she decided were important enough to draw down so that she could remember it years later, like drinking hot chocolate after getting yelled at by a bus driver.
If you’re addicted to tumbling as well as doodling, follow Doodlers Anonymous on Tumblr for even more daily inspiration. You might even see yourself on there!