The online world can be exhaustingly fast-paced. Like BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM! It’s my own doing though. I tend to have fifty-million tabs open at a time. If something catches my eye it will get a quick OH!COOL! LIKE! before I flip to the next shiny thing.
But every now and then, I’m stumped. A drawing finds its way into my online-hands and everything else goes hush. It’s like being a kid at the beach and finding a tiny shell that feels like treasure in my clumsy hands. There’s a million other identical shells along the water, but this particular one is the one that I want to take home and keep in a jar next to my bed… although I can’t explain why I chose it. Or did it choose me?
Anyhow. That’s what happened when I found this owl drawing by the Orka Collective. I had to pick it up and hold it in my clumsy online-hands for a while.