Showcase three was epic. You all came out to play this round and the end result has left us speechless. From the winning portrait of a balloon family by Andrea Armstrong to Katie Wall’s orange balloon fish.

We are beyond delighted with every single one of the thirty-two total submissions and have decided to try and squeeze in almost half of them into the next issue of Anorak Magazine. Congratulations to Bianca Hegedus, Lori Alrawi, James William Pezet, Belinda Suzette, Jenni Sparks, Ellie Ennay, Muxxi, Addison James Eaton, Katie Wall, Cheryl Smith, Cale and Emereauldine Eliseo, who have all been shortlisted to appear alongside the winner.

View the entire gallery of doodles on balloons, or see the fate of the winning airheads.