Melissa Mathieson is a Montreal-based 3D artist, and we mean it wholeheartedly when we say she’s making some of the cutest artwork we’ve ever seen! Whether it’s relatable bubble letters accompanied by adorable companions letting us know it’s all going to be okay, or just tiny creatures existing in the quirky universe Melissa has created through her practice – you can’t help but scroll through her portfolio with a smile on your face. 3D digital art is still a relatively new medium in the art world, but it’s quickly making its mark with a ton of artists adopting it and becoming masters at their craft. We feel safe saying Melissa has definitely mastered 3D digital art and then some, especially knowing she’s been hired to do work for companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, The New York Times, VICE, and DoorDash.

We would gladly make the universe Melissa has created through her art practice our next home if it was possible. With its brightly colored cities, happy dancing characters, and sweet messages of affirmations, it’s the perfect combination of everything we love. Melissa wasn’t always a 3D artist, she began her journey as a fine artist, but after practicing it for years she made the switch in an effort to, in her own words, “give characters and environments extra dimension.” And that she has! Beyond it just being plain cool that her artwork has physical depth and feels like photographs of some faraway unventured world, there’s also a ton of joy and happiness radiating throughout her work, which really brings everything full circle.

Check out a few of our favorites below, and make sure to follow Melissa on Instagram, Twitter, and on her website. You can also shop her artwork here!