About six months ago I discovered Kristopher’s art over on Instagram, and I’ve been an avid fan ever since. The first thing you’ll notice when you follow his daily feed is the amount of work he puts out. The second, is the pure fun and enjoyment that resonates in his work, it’s obvious he loves drawing and creating his quirky characters and worlds.

I enjoy creating a world all my own, to manipulate as I please, create things never seen, get lost in the process of patterns and lines, the colors, meticulous detail. To feel the wonder the way you would when you’re a kid. This is something I can never let go of.”

Kristopher is a self-taught artist from Austin, Texas currently living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and lucky for us, he’ll be guest blogging with our team for the month of October. Get to know him better on frenemylife.com and make sure to follow his Instagram for a constant feed of inspiration.