Justin Paszul (also known as solidgoldpants) will never have a drawing named, Untitled. That’s because while his drawings may capture your attention, it’s the titles to each that make you smirk and think, “…this guy gets it.”

I stumbled onto Justin’s work almost a year ago and still find myself amused every time a new update pops up on his flickr page. Trust me, these are not your everyday doodles with snarky captions. This work is far more original, and the truth is, I don’t know what comes first in his process. Is it the words or the art?

Click to see some of my favorites or just dive right into his flickr link. Either way you will became a fan very quickly, and you should also take note that he’s recently launched an Etsy shop with original drawings for sale. Justin, if you are listening, I want one.

Toppling the family tree

Now that’s one fancy sonofabitch right there, them glasses are real 100% gen-u-ine Himalayan vectors, you know

IXAT? IXAT?? What kind of fool do you think I am!? I am a very important businessman.

Wandering the countryside, ignoring every threnodic instinct, thinking only of their next meals

Put your things away and prepare for the coming flood