Today I want to introduce (to those who may not be acquainted) the art and music of Daniel Johnston. I was first introduced to his music and then subsequently his artwork when I was a teenager through the soundtrack to the movie KIDS. I immediately fell in love with his music and art. Later I moved to Austin, Texas a place where Daniel used to live. In the center of the city there is a big mural of one of his characters that is now iconic. A frog looking creature with snail like eyes that states Hi, How Are You. It now adorns t-shirts for the city of Austin and is almost like a mascot for the city. So you can kind of say he is a home town hero of mine.
A manic depressive and schizophrenic both his music and art are filled with emotion and with his work you get a direct look into his mind. His art is so pure and child like. Resonating with me in a way few artists have. One of my biggest influences and inspirations, his obvious passion and drive for his work are something that really struck a chord with me. I admire anyone with such drive. Despite any obstacles he has, he has been unrelenting in his pursuit and love of art. I hope you enjoy his music and artwork as much as I do and can draw inspiration from him. I highly advise checking out the documentary about his life The Devil and Daniel Johnston.