Let’s face it. We at DA are major suckers for hair drawings, simply because of the nature of them; the intricate and delicate line work that takes up so much patience and time. And of course, because they look amazing. Maria Gil Ulldemolins creates these kinds of drawings and we absolutely love them. And what’s even better is that Maria’s offered to give away two of her tote bags with these beautiful illustrations on them.
Just leave a comment to be in the running. You have until Friday (October 22nd @ 3pm EST) and we’ll randomly pick TWO lucky winners. Good luck!
105 comments and 2 names randomly drawn. Congrats to Jenni Sparks and La Cuenta Cuentos and of course thank you all for participating. For those of you interested in the beautiful work of Maria Gil Ulldemolins, you can always visit her Etsy shop to get your hands on her goodies.