As artists, we understand that ‘perfection’ doesn’t come easily: it requires lots and lots of practice. Practicing at your own pace on can help you enhance your craft in a significant way, but there are other ways that artists can explore and push their limits. Participating in drawing challenges is a fun way to get you out of your comfort zone and take your craft to the next level.

Doodle Addicts is the perfect platform to challenge yourself as an artist, offering a huge variety of themes and drawing prompts that will have you thinking out of the box in no time. From doodling on dollars to drawing your imaginary friend and everything in between, Doodle Addicts and various challenge sponsors go the extra mile to come up with some of the best innovative, attention-grabbing, and stimulating challenges for beginners and experts alike. Keep reading to find out exactly what’s in it for you:

Artists: Ashton Cola, Alison Ross, and Andrea Armstrong

Artists: Ashton Cola, Alison Ross, and Andrea Armstrong

Sometimes coming up with what to draw can be a challenge in and of itself. Taking up a drawing challenge will allow you to delve into subject matter, mediums, and techniques that you might not otherwise try. You’ll be able to open up your mind and strengthen your skill set while building an attractive and diversified portfolio that speaks loudly about your talents.

Artists: Amy Blomberg and Jim Bradshaw

Artists: Amy Blomberg and Jim Bradshaw

One of the major perks of participating in the challenges is giving yourself the opportunity to re-evaluate yourself. Before putting your work out there, critiquing your art ensures that you’re showcasing your best work and accomplishing the task at hand. It’ll also help you make more informed decisions about successive projects while giving you to chance to interact with like-minded creatives to bring out the best in each other.

The days of hiding your talent is over! It’s very important as an artist to showcase your work in a public space where other people can provide you feedback and, more importantly, build your confidence. Showcasing your work will help you to remain in a constant state of inspiration and stay motivated to keep improving with a healthy dose of competition. 

*Actual prizes from the Drawn Opposites Challenge, Doodle Shapes Challenge, Imaginary Friend Challenge, and Napkin Draw Challenge only on Doodle Addicts.

*Actual prizes from the Drawn Opposites Challenge, Doodle Shapes Challenge, Imaginary Friend Challenge, and Napkin Draw Challenge only on Doodle Addicts.

Stay motivated with drawing challenges that give artists an opportunity to walk away with some amazing rewards. Winning prizes can be a huge confidence booster, acting as an added bonus for doing what you already love! Even if you don’t win the entire challenge, you created something unique and that in itself is a win!