“If you please,” said the stranger, “draw me a sheep.” That simple line from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is exactly what I think of every time my pen hits the paper. The book captures what we miss by being grown-ups and a good reminder not to look at everything so literally.

Having two kids of my own, I am at awe by what they come up with and even more inspired when I see their thoughts spill onto paper. The following are some drawing books and toys both my children use daily that I highly recommend; even though, a few markers and paper are just as effective.

Scribbles by Taro Gomi, Thumb Doodles Book by Klutz, Aquadoodle’s Travel Pad or Doodle Mat, Write & Learn Letter Pad by vtech, Little People Doodle Pro and Crayola’s Bathtub Crayons.

Disclaimer: Although the above list make great “kid” gifts, I play with them just as often as they do.