Playful. Carefree. Vibrant. Flowing. Nostalgic. Raw. These are all words that come to mind when I look at Aline Marinescu‘s sketchbook. The theme of this particular series is relatable (in an embarrasing way), exploring the inner dialogue that comes along with a secret crush. Anyone else think it smells like teen spirit? I’m really loving her linework and the way her typography consistenly appears to flow together in one long string.There’s something beautiful in itself when Alina makes a mistake in her sketchbook, scribbles it out, and continues on with the drawing. When that happens to me, I’ll most likely scrap it and just start on a fresh page…bad habit. It’s something I admire about this artist, and she even says it herself: “This drawing’s not perfect and neither are you”. A solid word of wisdom that we can all learn from to silence that ruthless critic within!