The headline is a bit misleading because this post is not about fire, sorry firebabies. That song was just on the radio and it made me happy. Tell you what else makes me happy? Jordan Kay‘s sketchbooks. She has a ton of them on her website and a blog that’s just become one of my favorites. I’m reminded of Elizabethtown, when Kirsten Dunst makes a scrapbook for Orlando’s road trip. I’m making very odd connections today, but both are times when I’ve been in serious envy of people who can commit to collecting their world into a keepsake. I think my brain’s a bit erratic today because I was just about to make a connection to spaghetti sauce…

Oh, and I met Jordan through The Scribble Project totem pole collab. Some big fun news, ten of your totems will be published in Anorak (the happy mag for kids) as an awesome coloring page, so it’s worth submitting a quick doodle! Oh, and I have this spaghetti sauce recipe that…