Illustrations in our coloring books all have their own personality, that’s what happens when every page comes from a different artist. One of the stand-out styles is Philippino artist Paulo Correa. His sketchbook is full of a cast of crazy characters and so much going on in every image that you’ll miss half the details if you only look at it for a few seconds.

DA: Hello there! Let’s start off by talking about your early artwork. Super early. What is the earliest memory you have of something you drew?

PC: Hmm. That’s tough for a first question! Well, I remember drawing Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on my room’s wall. I guess we all did that!

DA: So true, I remember being yelled at for doodling on my walls too. What sources do you pull your inspiration from when you aren’t sure what to draw next?

PC: I read books, walking, listening to music, in a public transportation, and talking to people, anywhere. Inspiration comes from experiencing what is out there. I don’t believe that you can conceive an idea/concept on your own. Ideas are gathered information from your personal or other people’s experiences. That’s what makes an artist unique, because no two ideas are the same. We create/interpret art from something we have gathered through our experiences.

DA: Interesting point of view! I really like how intricate some of your pieces become, with a ton of stuff tangled up together. When you draw, are you the type who plans ahead or makes it up as you go along?

PC: I usually plan the main subject, the composition, and the thickness; then add the sub layers to keep the balance. Planning is important for my main subject, but after that I enjoy freestylin’ the background and the fillers.

DA: Tell me about one of the quirks in your creative process. Anything unusual you do while drawing?

PC: I walk. I walk a lot! Hahaha. When I think I usually do pacing, sometimes I go up and down the stairs for no reason at all.

DA: Aside from art, name 5 things you LOVE.

PC: My wife and kid, books, my advertising job, music/sports and coffee.

DA: You snuck 7 things in there, but I’m gonna let it slide because I like your illustration in our coloring book so much. Speaking of, can you show me how you colored it in?

PC: Sure! Here’s my version of the coloring book. I used colored pencils and neon highlighters.

PC: I have to say that I’m thrilled to be part of DA’s featured artists. You guys are doing a great job uniting doodle artists/hobbyists all across the globe. It’s great that we can connect and share with other people through our own art. Thank you!

DA: We’re just as thankful for the chance to connect with you! Without artists like yourselves reaching out to us, projects such as our coloring books wouldn’t be possible. To keep up with Paulo’s work, you can follow him on instagram or tumblr!