You know when something good happens and you feel like you want to jump out of your own skin? It’s the way I feel every time I receive a package in the mail (snail mail, not e-mail). Every month I allow myself to buy at least one book for my library and today I received Sara Fanelli‘s “Sometimes I Think, Sometimes I am.” Inside the book, Steven Heller explains better than I ever could:
“Viewing the pages of Sara Fanelli’s sketchbooks showcased in this handsome volume…I was overcome, not so much by awe – though I am in awe of her incredible output – but by a surprising sense of calm. It is not often that art, and particularly such wild art as this, could cause me to feel the least bit peaceful; but Fanelli’s drawings, cuttings, collagings, smearings, smudgings, and scrawlings project through the chaos of their seemingly ad hoc compositions a sublimely soothing air – like a visual message. Yet unlike so much contemporary art – especially art rendered in the familiar cut-and-paste manner, which is designed, I believe, to agitate the eyes and grate the mind – this particular work is non-confrontational.”