First off. Thanks DA for having having me for February, and OKAT for the really swell things you said. I will try my best to make this icy cold month all warm and bubbly on our insides.
Okay now to business. Maura Cluthe (aka: Fragmented) was easily the first artist that came to my mind to feature here. The first time I saw her stuff I was blown away. I instantly felt a kindred spirit and connection. She reluctantly agreed after much prodding (just kidding). Maybe it was the robots and monsters, or her eye grabbing textures or was it the hyperdoodles (as she calls them) or her expert design sense. I’m going to say it is all of that and more! Maura is the complete package. She just finished up a children’s book titled It’s Not Easy Being Brave that I can’t wait to get my hands on. There are prints available at her online shop. Yay Maura!